In today’s increasing virtual world, companies are rapidly realizing the significance of social networking. We create custom designed pages using custom HTML/ graphics templates, custom tab icons or tab names, to promote your business to an increasingly Facebook oriented clientele.

With our custom designed apps you can also make money through Facebook, at very little cost. With our software, you can post special offers, coupons or your weekly ads just on your Facebook wall page.

We especially recommend our Coupons Feature encouraging customers to become fans of your company, in order to redeem special offers. You can gain new fans with one click using this option.

With this feature, customers can also redeem special offers and take advantage of additional savings by telling their friends to become fans of your business.

All coupons can be limited by expiration date or maximum number redeemable per customer.

Other features:

  • picture gallery
  • polls collecting information through FB
  • website “Facebook share plugin” under articles
  • sweepstakes
  • group deals
  • deals
  • rewards